The Real Frank

Frank the Fish Finds His Forever Home was based on the true story of Frank-Lee the Fish. Frank-Lee was a betta fish who was adopted and lived a happy life. 

Coming Soon!

Book 1 - French Edition

Frank the Fish Finds His Forever Home will be available in French--watch for Frank le Poisson!

Activity Book

Team Frank is working on an activity book! It will include: mazes, matching pictures, what doesn’t belong?, find Frank and characters, draw the end of the story, colouring pages...and more!

Frank Goes to the Doctor

Frank has many more adventures to come--the next book is about Frank going to the doctor!

Available Now!


There are a number of Frank the Fish merchandise items available, including: mugs, tumblers, water bottles, puzzles, holiday ornaments, kids face masks, kids socks, and a pocket pillow.

Colouring Pages

Click on the links below to download and print colouring pages of
Frank the Fish!

Colouring Contest

View the results of the Frank the Fish Colouring Contest below!